Who needs myofunctional therapy?
At any age if you have:
- difficulty saying specific sounds or words even after speech therapy.
Leanna works with myofunctionally trained Certified Speech Language Therapists if a referral needs to be made.
-snoring, congested, poor sleep quality or waking generally unrested
-forward head posture, or generally poor posture when sitting or standing
-ADD, ADHD behavior issues that may be related to mouth breathing, poor sleep and picky eating
-habit elimination -thumb/finger sucking concerns- even adults who chew their nails or bite the insides of their cheeks
-tongue thrust and incorrect swallow - open bites
-TMJ pain related to muscle imbalances- Leanna can refer to TMD trained physical therapists, Massage therapists and Chiropractors
and NUCCA Chiropractors
-orthodontic relapse
-oral stimulated kids- putting things in mouth that don't need to be
-tongue tied individuals- may not be obvious
-sleep study test (Class 3 take home test) reveals mild to moderate sleep apnea and no recommendation for CPAP machine
- difficulty saying specific sounds or words even after speech therapy.
Leanna works with myofunctionally trained Certified Speech Language Therapists if a referral needs to be made.
-snoring, congested, poor sleep quality or waking generally unrested
-forward head posture, or generally poor posture when sitting or standing
-ADD, ADHD behavior issues that may be related to mouth breathing, poor sleep and picky eating
-habit elimination -thumb/finger sucking concerns- even adults who chew their nails or bite the insides of their cheeks
-tongue thrust and incorrect swallow - open bites
-TMJ pain related to muscle imbalances- Leanna can refer to TMD trained physical therapists, Massage therapists and Chiropractors
and NUCCA Chiropractors
-orthodontic relapse
-oral stimulated kids- putting things in mouth that don't need to be
-tongue tied individuals- may not be obvious
-sleep study test (Class 3 take home test) reveals mild to moderate sleep apnea and no recommendation for CPAP machine
When to start treatment?
- Usually at 4 years and up (needs to be able to follow instructions and cooperate)
How successful is myo?
Like performing any new skill, the more you practice and develop awareness for your myo program the more success you will have. Parental support and commitment is imperative for children undergoing myofunctional therapy. Reversing the issues is easier said than done. With motivation and dedication with practicing their program there is great success! As weak muscles become stronger and awareness becomes habit, improvement is generally noticed within a few sessions. Many people see success within 5 to 7 sessions.
Sometimes referrals to specialists become part of the plan. Leanna will refer to myofunctionally minded clinicians if needed which includes:
ENT doctors
Tongue tie release providers (highly trained general Dentists or Oral surgeons)
General Dentists
Chiropractors (general)
NUCCA Chiropractors (specialized chiropractors for C1 adjustments to help align the spine for headaches relief, generalized body pain and TMJ pain)
Physical therapists
Massage therapists/ craniosacral therapists
Sometimes referrals to specialists become part of the plan. Leanna will refer to myofunctionally minded clinicians if needed which includes:
ENT doctors
Tongue tie release providers (highly trained general Dentists or Oral surgeons)
General Dentists
Chiropractors (general)
NUCCA Chiropractors (specialized chiropractors for C1 adjustments to help align the spine for headaches relief, generalized body pain and TMJ pain)
Physical therapists
Massage therapists/ craniosacral therapists
How Much is Myofunctional therapy, is it covered on my dental insurance plan?
After the initial one hour initial assessment, an individual treatment plan is created. The follow up myo visits are 40 min per session and can range from 3 to 10 sessions depending on individual needs.
Assessment is $230
40 min sessions $130
Group or family sessions can be discussed and scheduled with Leanna in person or via secure online sessions.
Our Guardian Dental team can complete a predetermination and find out if you have dental coverage under the myofunctional therapy codes. Guardian Dental can provide you with myofunctional therapy codes (assessment and myofunctional therapy sessions) to submit to your insurance company or your HSA, health spending account.
Assessment is $230
40 min sessions $130
Group or family sessions can be discussed and scheduled with Leanna in person or via secure online sessions.
Our Guardian Dental team can complete a predetermination and find out if you have dental coverage under the myofunctional therapy codes. Guardian Dental can provide you with myofunctional therapy codes (assessment and myofunctional therapy sessions) to submit to your insurance company or your HSA, health spending account.